EWZSA Slush Cup Rules and Regulations

Boarded Soccer:

Alberta Soccer Association rules for the indoor boarded game

U9 and U11 Boarded EMSA Modified Rules - The Slush Cup will follow all EMSA Modifications, except player/coach cards are not needed for any age group. These are in addition to the Slush Cup Rules and Regulations.

Boardless 7 v 7 Soccer:

Laws of the Game

ASA Modified Indoor Soccer Rules 

 The Slush Cup will be 7 V 7  6 players plus a keeper on the field.  A minimum of 5 players needed to start.

All Outdoor FIFA/IFAB Laws of the game apply (including off side at the half) with the following EMSA modifications:

Offsides- Clarification for Non Boarded 7V7 – offsides with the halfway line being the mark to judge the offside.

EWZSA Slush Cup 2025


Scottish Dome #1
3126 Ewing Trail SW
Scottish Dome #2
3126 Ewing Trail SW
Scottish Dome #3
3126 Ewing Trail SW
Scottish Dome #4
3126 Ewing Trail SW
East Soccer Centre #5
12720 Victoria Trail
East Soccer Centre #6
12720 Victoria Trail
East Soccer Centre #7
12720 Victoria Trail
East Soccer Centre #8
12720 Victoria Trail
South Soccer Centre #10
6520 Roper Road
South Soccer Centre #11
6520 Roper Road
South Soccer Centre #12
6520 Roper Road
South Soccer Centre #14
6520 Roper Road
South Soccer Centre #09
6520 Roper Road
St Albert Servus Bright Dental N
400 Campbell Road, St. Albert
St Albert Servus Orion Plastics S
400 Campbell Road, St. Albert
West Soccer Centre #1
17415 106A Avenue
West Soccer Centre #2
17415 106A Avenue
West Soccer Centre #3
17415 106A Avenue